Kristen Swearingen
Vice President of Legislative & Political Affairs | Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC)
Kristen Swearingen is the Vice President of Legislative & Political Affairs at Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), where she leads the association’s lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill and coalition efforts in the business community. ABC is a national construction industry trade association with 67 chapters representing more than 23,000 member small and large businesses employing millions of construction industry professionals.
Kristen also holds the role of chair of the Coalition for a Democratic (CDW) – formed in 2005 in opposition to the so-called Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), which would have replaced secret ballots in unionization elections with “card check,” a process that would have forced employees to choose whether or not to sign union authorization cards in front of coworkers and union organizers, exposing employees to potential intimidation and harassment by those in favor of unionization. CDW is composed of hundreds of organizations representing millions of businesses that employ tens of millions of workers nationwide in nearly every industry. CDW members are joined by their mutual concern over regulatory overreach by the National Labor Relations Board that threatened employees, employers, and economic growth.
Prior to joining ABC she was a staffer in the office of former Sen. Jim Bunning (R-Ky.). She is a graduate of the College of Charleston.